Ladies Indoor Cricket - 22nd November 2023



Two wins for Whitland and one apiece for Neyland and Tish


Whitland produced some of their best indoor cricket to beat both St Ishmaels and Neyland, with a success apiece from Neyland and St Ishmaels as Pembroke found it hard going on the day and lost both theirs.

St Ishmaels (84 all out) lost to Whitland (85 for 0)


St Ishmaels: Linzi Picton 32, Lucy Patterson 30), Extras 10 - Kelly Rogers 1-17, Alys John 1-16

Whitland:  Kelly Rogers 27*, Ffleur Davies 26*, Mari Kirk 22*, Extras 10



Neyland 28 (all out) lost to Whitland (30 for 1)

Neyland: Lewis Hughes 8 - Ffleur Davies 2-10, Kelly Rogers 3-3, Alys John 1-1

Whitland: Alys John 15, Aoife Sharpe 10* - Jess. Bevan 1-9


Pembroke (39 all out) lost to Neyland (68 for 4)


Pembroke:  Chloe Jones 14 - Bethan Chapman 1-13, Lewis Hughes 1-9, Erin Dando 1-9, Jessica Bevan 2-8

Neyland: Lewis Hughes 11, Bethan Chapman 27*, Extras 12 - Chloe James 3-12 Summer Russant 1-20

St Ishmaels

Pembroke (35 for 5) lost to St Ishmaels (37 for 3)


Pembroke:  Chloe Jones 14* - Lucy Patterson 1-9, Rachel McGuire 2-8, Lola Phillips 1-1

St Ishmaels: Rachel McGuire 10, Linzi Picton 14*- Summer Russant 1-17