Ladies Indoor Cricket - 8th November 2023



Llanrhian Ladies lead the way


There were some low scores again in this week’s round of matches as Llanrhian won both their games and there was one victory apiece for Pembroke and St Ishmaels , with Whitland missing out in both matches but gaining lots of valuable experience in the process.

As a result, Llanrhian pouched 25 points overall and there were 15 points apiece for Pembroke and Tish, with Whitland having just six points in the league table for their efforts.



Llanrhian (73 for 2) beat Whitland (47 for 2)

Llanrhian: Carrie Slack 26*, Amanda John 21,

Aife Sharpe 0-15, Mari Kirk 0-5,  Lani Hogben 0-5

Whitland: Mari Kirk 18, Lani Hogben 11,

Holly Machin 1-13, Kath Jenkins 0-15 (one maiden), Amanda John 0-3 (one maiden)



Whitland (64 for 3) lost to Pembroke (66 for 4)

Whitland: Lani Hogben 28*, Mari Kirk 11, Alys John 13*

Bobbie Neale 3-13, Leanne Panton 0-12

Pembroke: Bobbie Neale 36*, Alys Phillips 9*

Millie Lee 1-11, Alys John 1-10

St Ishmaels

St Ishmaels (47 for 4)  lost to Llanrhian (50 for 3)

St Ishmaels: Lola Phillips 10, Lucy Pattinson 18

Amanda John 1-4, Holly Makin 1-16

Llanrhian: Katy Jenkins 13, Amanda John 26*

Lola Phillips 2-4, Lucy Pattinson 1-9

St Ishmaels (78) for 5 beat Pembroke (57 for 5)

St Ishmaels: Linzi Picton 19, I Sutton 28 (14 balls) Rachel McGuire 12

Bobbie Neale 1-25, Leanne Panton 1-19

Pembroke: Bobby Neale 25* (23 balls), Heidi Allen 16

Linzi Picton 3-5, Lola Phillips 1-7